In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) the identifying details of the company
are presented below.
Cosporate Name:
Value Aded Tax Identification Number (VAT ID):
Registered address:
Mercamadrid, Building Freiremar
28053 Madrid
+34 917853333
+ 34 917854993
Data entry in the commercial register:
CONGELADOS CIENTOCINCO, S.L. established in Madrid, in 1992, by public deed number 968, in the notary of D. José Maréa Regidor Cano, the College of Madrid.
Registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry in Volume 2640, page 33, and page M-45816, entry 1.
This website has been created by the company CONGELADOS CIENTOCINCO, S.L. for information purposes and personal use for users. Through this legal notice it is intended to regulate access and use of
this website as well as the relationship between the website and its users. By accessing this web site the following terms and conditions are accepted: Access to this website is the sole
responsibility of the user.
Simple access to this website does not imply any commercial relationship between CONGELADOS CIENTOCINCO, S.L. and the user.
The access and navigation in this website implies acceptance and knowledge of legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.
The owner of the site may offer services or products that may be subject to some special conditions that, depending on the case, substitute, complete and / or modify the present conditions, and which
inform the user in each case.
In accordance with the Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and the implementing regulations, Congelados Cientocinco, S.L. (Hereinafter Cientocinco) informs you that the data will
be incorporated into a file owned in order to address and respond to queries requested through this website. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by
writing case to Congelados Cientocinco, S.L, Mercamadrid, Edificio Freiremar - Mercado Central de Pescados, 28053 Madrid or email address
Cientocinco ensures compliance with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality of personal data collected and take the necessary technical, organizational and security measures to prevent alteration,
loss or unauthorized access.
The user is informed and consents to the inclusion of their personal data in existing files in Cientocinco and the automated processing thereof. You represent that all data provided are true and
correct, undertaking to inform Cientocinco changes that occur in them, including those to which this company has access as a result of browsing this website, for the purposes of sending commercial
communications, newsletters relating to products and services Cientocinco.
Use of services by minors: The services offered and has Cientocinco are not permitted to minors, therefore, if I had proof of having collected inadvertently information concerning a minor is to be
removed immediately from their bases of data.